Основні публікації:
1. M.M. Bogdan, AS Kovalev. Exact multisoliton solution of one-dimensional Landau-Lifshitz equations for an anisotropic ferromagnet. JETP Lett. 31, No.8, 424-427 (1980).
2. I.V. Barashenkov, M.M. Bogdan, V.I. Korobov. Stability diagram of the phase-locked solitons in the parametrically driven, damped nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Europhysics Letters, 15, No. 2, 113 (1991).
3. M Bondila, IV Barashenkov, MM Bogdan. Topography of attractors of the parametrically driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 87, No. 1-4, 314-320 (1995).
4. M.M. Bogdan, A.S. Kovalev, I.V. Gerasimchuk. Dynamics and stability of localized modes in nonlinear media with point defects. Low Temperature Physics, 23, No. 2, 145-152 (1997).
5. M.M. Bogdan, A.M. Kosevich, G.A. Maugin. Soliton complex dynamics in strongly dispersive medium. Wave Motion, 34, No.1, 1-26 (2001).
6. M.M. Bogdan, A.M. Kosevich, I.V. Manzhos. Stabilization of a magnetic soliton(Bion) as a result of parametric excitation of one-dimensional ferromagnet. Low Temperature Physics, 11, No. 9, 991-993 (1985).
7. M.M. Bogdan, G.A. Maugin. Exact discrete breather solutions and conservation laws of lattice equations. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences Physics and Mathematics, 52, No.1, 76-84 (2003).
8. O.V. Charkina, M.M. Bogdan. Internal modes of solitons and near-integrable highly-dispersive nonlinear systems. Symmetry, integrability and geometry: methods and applications, 2 , No. 047 (12) (2006).
9. M.M. Bogdan, O.V. Charkina. Local negative magnetic permeability and possibility of observation of breather excitations in magnetic metamaterials, Low Temperature Physics. V.40, N3, 234-238 (2014).
10. M.M. Bogdan, O.V. Charkina. Spin waves in easy-axis antiferromagnets with precessing domain walls. Low Temperature Physics, V.40, N1, 84-90 (2014).
11. D.V. Laptev M.M. Bogdan. Nonlinear periodic waves solutions of the nonlinear self-dual network equations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.55, No.4, 042903-1-042903-22, (2014).
12. M.M. Bogdan and D.V. Laptev. Exact Description of the Discrete Breathers and Solitons Interaction in the Nonlinear Transmission Lines. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, V.83, No.6, 064007-1-064007-9 (2014).
13. O.V. Charkina, M.M. Bogdan Localized excitations and scattering of spin waves in ferromagnetic chains containing magnetic nanoclusters Low Temperature Physics. V.44, N7, 644-650 (2018).
14. M.M. Bogdan, V.I. Belan, O.V. Charkina. The effect of the magnetic field on the stability and excitation spectrum of spin nanoclusters in anisotropic ferromagnetic chains. Low Temperature Physics. V.44, N12, 1331-1340 (2018).