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5 грудня 2024

Victory at the PushQuantum Hackathon by Danylo Kolesnyk

     We sincerely congratulate Danylo Kolesnyk, a 2nd-year master's student at the Department of Theoretical Physics, on winning the PushQuantum Hackathon!
    Our student, Danylo Kolesnyk, achieved remarkable success by winning the PushQuantum Hackathon, a highly competitive event that brought together participants from various countries and top universities. The competition presented complex tasks inspired by recent papers in the quantum computing realm, blending elements of a hackathon with features of an academic competition, and Danylo successfully tackled a problem involving the Rodeo algorithm for quantum eigenstate computation.
    For the H₂ molecule (2 qubits), the Rodeo algorithm was generalized by incorporating random state initialization, with bounds derived from the Gershgorin circle theorem. This innovative approach enabled the identification of the entire spectrum of the molecule with high precision, using Gershgorin circles to define the search space for eigenstates.
    For the H₂O molecule (6 qubits), the methodology was extended by using an approximate solution for state initialization with linear scaling. Once again, the Gershgorin circles effectively narrowed down the search space, allowing for highly precise identification of the eigenstates.     

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What is the Pushquantum Hackathon about?

June 26, 2020

On May 1, 2020, associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics Oleg Ivanovich Lyubimov celebrated his 80th birthday. Congratulations to Oleg Ivanovich on his 80th birthday and the highest Karazin National University Award – V.N.Karazin Medal.

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During the ceremony at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Physics. Physical Faculty Dean R.V. Vovk presents Oleg Ivanovich with a certificate from the rector, and the Certificate and V.N. Karazin Medal.

December 27, 2019

The work of the robotic club at the Small Karazin University continues.
On December 27, 2019 members of the club led by associate professor of our department Albert Kotvitsky, and 2nd year student of the Computer Science Department, Anastasia Kurgan, learned how to program Christmas tree lights.

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Photos of A.Kurgan. Find more photos and videos here.

December, 18, 2019

On Wednesday, December 18, 2019, a scientific seminar of the Faculty of Physics was held. Head of our Department Assoc. G.I.Rashba presented the report of our Departmetn activity in 2019. The scientific report "Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in layered superconductors" was made by our department Prof. S.S.Apostolov.

rashba apostolov

December 7, 2019


On December 3-5, the XIV International Scientific Conference "Physical Phenomena in Solids" was held at the Faculty of Physics. The staff and students of our department took an active part in the conference. A total nubmer of 11 reports were made. Abstracts published in the conference proceedings.

During the Poster Session 3.12.2019.
From left to right: 1t year MS student A.S.Dzhenzherov, Assoc. E.V.Ezerskaya, Head of Dept G.I.Rashba, Dr.of Science V.V.Slavin (FTINT NANU)

December 4, 2019

XVIII All-Ukrainian physicist's tournament was held from November 29 to December 3 in KPI named by Igor Sikorsky. The joint FFFT team of physical and physical-technical faculties win the Tournament. Congratulations to our student Olga Zaitseva (gr. Ф047) and 2nd year student Grigory Ovcharenko with a victory in the team and in the individual categories!

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Photo Report is here . News at KhNU site .

November 19, 2019

On November 19, 2019, the traditional joint scientific seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics of the IRE named after A. Ya. Usikov NAS of Ukraine, dedicated to the memory of prof. E. A. Kaner took place. Scientific reports were made by employees of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
  1. “Diffusion and stochastic resonance in random systems with memory.”
  Speaker - S.S. Miller (Senior Researcher IPE NASU)
  2. "Diffraction anomalies under grazing incidence."
  Speaker - A.V. Katz. (ved.s. IRE NASU)
  3. "Stimulated scattering of electromagnetic waves. General approach ".
  Speaker - A.V. Katz. (ved.s. IRE NASU)
  The seminar was attended by: Corr. NASU, prof. V.A. Yampolsky, leading researcher O.V.Usatenko, senior researcher G.M. Pritula, senior researcher V.E. Vekslerchik, jonior researcher D.V. Kadigrob (all - IPE NASU), Prof. S.S. Apostolov, Assoc. O. I. Lyubimov, Head of Department G.I. Rashba and others.

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During S.S.Melnik talk During A.V.Kats talk

November 6, 2019

On November 6, 2019, students of our department visited the Window to America Center in the library of the Main Building of KNU. A representative of the center spoke about the work of the center, in particular about scientometric databases facilities of the center.

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November, 4 2019

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Congratulations to students of the Faculty of Physics - winners and prize-winners of the 70th University Student Spartakiad in badminton competitions.
       Elizabeth Konyaeva and Liliya Manchenko took 1st place in the women's category
       Maxim Mazanov, Denis Zolotaryov, Alexander Dzhenzherov and Maxim Korotaev took 3rd place among young men. It is very pleasant that among the winners there are three students of group Ф057 of our department - Manchenko Liliya, Genzherov Alexander and Mazanov Maxim.
New at KhNU site

October 20, 2019

The team of Kharkov National University successfully passed the correspondence round of the X International Tournament in Natural Sciences and won the right to participate in the final, which will be held in Warsaw on February 7-12, 2020. Congratulations on the successful performance of the team and first-year MS student Liliya Manchenko (gr. FO57)! We hope that there are sponsors who will help with the registration fee (1000 EURO).
Tournament site:

September 27, 2019

On September 27, a seminar on robotics, organized by the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Physics was held. Students from all courses of the Faculty of Physics took an active part in the seminar.

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September 3, 2019

According to the results of activities in the academic year 2018/2019, four departments of the Faculty of Physics have got places in the top ten among 68of the natural-mathematical profile departments . Our department is in the 1st place!


See for details (in Ukrainian) «Інформаційно-аналітичні матеріали за підсумками 2018/2019 навчального року»

July 12, 2019

Team "Impulse" of Kharkov Lyceum N 161 won the 2nd place at the International Young Physicists Tournament (IYPT2019). The team took the overall 7th place among 34 teams. This is the best result of Ukraine for all performances. Congratulations to the team leaders: associate professor of our department Zakhar Mayzelis, 2d year student of our Faculty Grigory Ovcharenko and also students Olga Zaitseva (group F047) and Ilja Kaigorodtsev (group F066), who helped in the preparation of the team.

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(Photos from Facebook page of Olga Zaytseva)

June 24, 2019

Our Department won the first place in the university competition of the departments for the best scientific and methodological support of the educational process in the nomination "Promoting the scientific work of students".


June 14, 2019

Congratulations on the successful passing of the Qualification Exam and the Defense of the thesis of the bachelor's degree for FO-47 group students! We are waiting for our bachelors in the magistracy!

From left to right: are standing: A. Dzhenenzherov, M. Mazanov, A. Ryabykina, G. Titikov, I. Sikachina, L. Manchenko; are sitting: S.S. Apostolov, E.V.Ezerskaya, S.I.Shevchenko, G.I.Rashba

May 27, 2019

At the meeting of the Academic Council of KhNU, the winners of the university competition for the best student group in 2018 were awarded! Congratulations on the victory of the F047 group of our department: Alexander Dzhenzherova (group headman), Maxim Mazanov, Lilia Manchenko, Anna Ryabykina, Igor Sikachina Igor, Grigorii Tikikov, and curator of the group an associate professor Yezerskaya EV with a victory! News on the site KhNU и School of Physics

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May 16, 2019

The defense of master's theses took place.

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Congratulations to Art. gr. F067 Daria Mokritska with MS dyploma with honors!

April 29, 2019

The united team of the VN Karazin National University, which included students of the Faculty of Physics and Technology: Alexey Lukianchuk, Oleg Ivastenko, Evgenia Gerashchenko and the Faculty of Physics: Grigory Ovcharenko (1st year), Olga Zaitseva (group F037), Igor Sikachina (group F047), won the third place in the Super Final and was awarded a diploma of II degree. Team Leader - Associate Professor of our department Z.A. Maiselis
News at KhNU website

April 18 2019

Students of our department Alexander Nikolaenko (gr. F037) and Maxim Mazanov (gr. F047) as the members of the KNU team won 2nd place at the International Olympiad in Theoretical Mechanics. Maxim also mon the third place in the individual championship, and Alexander won the first place. Congratulations for all!
News at KhNU website

March 28, 2019

The team of Physical Faculty (our 4th year students of F047 groop Lilia Manchenko and Maxim Mazanov) won 2nd place in the Badmiton Student Trade Union Cup competition. Congratulations to Lilia and Maxim!
News at KhNU website

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December 23, 2018

3th-5th year students of our department recently visited the Philharmonic. Collective photo after the concert.

December 19, 2018

On December 19, in the "Karazin Student Hall", a solemn meeting between the chairman of the Regional State Administration Julia Svetlichnoy and the students of the intellectual competitions and their parents and teachers took place. The event was held with the participation of the rector, academician Vil' Bakirov. During the event, Julia Svetlichnaya presented a certificate and a badge “Merited Teacher of Ukraine” to the Associate Professor of Academician I. M. Lifshits Department of Theoretical Physics of the School of Physics Zakhar Maizelis.

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Photos from KhNU website: reference.
Greenting Poster
from school of Physics.

November 19, 2018

On November 19, 2018, a joint seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics of IRE NASU, dedicated to the memory of correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR E.A. Kaner, was held. The report “Controlling the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered superconductors using a constant magnetic field” (S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maiselis, T.N. Rokhmanova, V.O. Yampolsky) was made by associate professor Stanislav Apostolov. Senior Reseacher Galina Pritula made a presentation "Correlation properties of additive Markov linear higher-order chains" (V.E. Vekslerchik, S.S. Melnik, G.M.Prytula and O.V. Usatenko). The seminar was attended by: Corr. NASU, prof. V.A. Yampolsky, leading researcher A.V.Katz, leading researcher O.V. Usatenko, Senior Lecturer G.M.Prytula, Senior Scientist V.E. Vekslerchik, N.S. TM Rokhmanova (all - IRE NASU), Assoc. O.I. Lyubimov, Head of Department G.I. Rashba and others. The students of different courses of the Faculty of Physics and the future entrant of the Faculty of Physics Daniel Kolesnik took part in the seminar.

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During Stanislav Apostopov talk During Galina Pritula talk

October 4, 2018

Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics Z.A. Mayzelis, graduate of 2006, recently received the honorary title “Honored Teacher of Ukraine”. His students are winners of the International and Ukrainian Physical Olympiads and Tournaments among schoolchildren and students. Congratulations to the scientist, and we wish you new achievements!
Reference for KHNU site


25 июля 2018


July 25, 2018

The team members: Ilya Khoroshko, Volodya Maschits, Grigory Ovcharenko (a student of the Faculty of Physics of the Karazin University), team captain - Svetlana Grinchenko. Team leaders: associate professor of our department Zahar Aleksandrovich Meizelis and students of our department Victoria and Olga Zaitseva!
This news at KhNU website

June 21, 2018

June 21, 2018 a joint seminar of the Theoretical Physics Department named after Academician IM Lifshits, the Department of Statistical Methods of Mathematical Physics, the Department of Theoretical Physics of the ILTPE NASU and the Department of Theoretical Physics of the IRE NASU dedicated to the memory of prof. V.M. Tsukernik (1927-2012). Prof. V.M.Kontorovich made a report "Reflection from a neutron star". Prof. AA Zvyagin reported on "Edge states in a dimerized chain". Students and colleagues of V.M.Tsukernik shared their memories of the scientific and pedagogical activities of Viktor Moiseyevich.

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June 16, 2018

June 16, 2018 turned 80 years former head of the department of theoretical physics, professor-consultant Alexander Mikhailovich Ermolaev.


Welcome to Prof. Alexander Mikhailovich Yermolayev anniversary!


Стаття до газети "Харківський ун-т"(in Ukrainian)
Prof. V.A.Yampolsky about A.M.Ermolaev(in Russian)
Prof. A.S.Kovalev about A.M.Ermolaev(in Russian)

June 15, 2018

Congratulations on the successful passing of the Qualification Exam and the Defense of the thesis of the bachelor's degree for FO-47 group students! We are waiting for our bachelors in the magistracy!

From left to right: V.Tkachenko, V.Shablenko, D.Shymkiv, N.Kvitka, R.Pinchuk, A.Zhuranova, V.Yalovega ;
G.I.Rashba, S.I.Shevchenko, S.S.Apostolov, O.V.Yezerska


June 14, 2018

Congratulations to Anton Artemov, Olga Bagrova, Nikolay Vovk, Elena Tkachenko, Alexandra Nikolashina (Count F62) with the successful defense of master's theses! Photoreport

May 25, 2018

Our department took the third place in the university competition for the Best Scientific and Methodological Support of Academic Process "In the field of Promotion of Student Research Work"

May 21 2018

Congratulations to the students of our department (F0-47) with an honorable 3rd place in the competition for the best student group in 2017!

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From left to right: Nina kvitka, Vitaliy Tkachenko, Anna Zhuranova, Vladyslav yalovega, Viktoriya Zajtseva, Dmitrij Shymkiv, Vladimior Tkachenko


November 17, 2017

On November 17, 2017 a joint seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was held. It was devoted to EA Kanera, member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Correspondent. Scientific reports were made by Assoc. S.S Apostolov ("Linear and nonlinear phenomena in the propagation of Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors") and Z.A. Maiselis ("Simulation of artificial intelligence with the help of a quantum computer").

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During S.S.Apostolov talk During Z.A.Zajzelis talk

21 August, 2017 the outstanding scientist Leonid Andreevich Pastur celebrated 80-th birthday. He is a Honorary Professor of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Academician of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.


Dear Leonid Andreevich,

Thank you for Science! You are in the prime of your creative power. Let always your interests, your work will be connected with physical science, with education of new generations of physicists! We wish you and your family good health, further creative success, happiness!

School of Physics Staff of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Congratulations on the successful passing of the Qualification Exam and the Defense of the thesis of the bachelor's degree for FO-47 group students Anastasiya Kondratenko, Daria Mokritskaya, Valentin Shashko, Yazmukhamet Materoff!

Congratulations to Tatiana Shalomayeva, Maria Mogilnaya, Perevoznyuk Svetlana (gr.FO-67) with a successful graduation from the Magistracy and the defense of master's degree theses!

In the photo from left to right: Yazmukhamet Materov, Kondratenko Anastasia, Mokritskaya Darya, Shalomayeva Tatyana, Perevoznyuk Svetlana, Shashko Valentin.

June 22, 2017

On June 22, 2017 a scientific workshop of the Department of Theoretical Physics named after academician I.M. Lifshits with the participation of Professor Alexander Feher took place.





Prof. A. Feher is the Director of the Institute of Physics of the Pavel Shafarik University in Kosice (Slovakia), and an Honorary Doctor of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

The seminar was attended by teachers and students of Physical and Chemical faculties:
A. Jenzherov (3d year), N. Melnik (3rd year), N. Kvitka (4th year), D. Kadigrob (junior fellow scientific researcher of the IRE NASU), A. Usova (3 year), O.V. Yezerska (Assoc.), V.O. Cheranovskii (prof.), G.I. Rashba (Assoc.), O.I. Lyubimov (Assoc.), A. Papucia (2nd year), V. Shashko (5th year), G. Titikov (3rd year), A. Feher (Prof. Un. Kosice), Y. Chistyakov (2nd year), D. Dolgopolova (2nd year), O.R. Kazachkov (Assoc.), V. Shablenko (4th year), Manchenko L. (3rd year).

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During the workshop

The scientific reports of associate professors S.S. Apostolov ("The Linear and non-linear phenomena in the propagation of Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors") and A.T. Kotwitsky ("The mathematical theory of N-point gravitational lenses") aroused great interest and fruitful discussions among the participants of the seminar.

During S.S. Apostolov talk
During A.T. Kotwitsky talk

Students of the School of Physics, among whom there are representatives of the Department of Theoretical Physics, successfully study in the Master's program of P. Shafarik University under a cooperation agreement between our universities. For example, our 6th year student Mogyl'na M. M. studied for two years in the master's degree program at P.J.Safarik University. June 15, 2017 Mariya Mogyl'na successfully defended the master's thesis.

June 7, 2017

June 7, 2017 a joint seminar of the Theoretical Physics Department named after Academician IM Lifshits, the Department of Statistical Methods of Mathematical Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, dedicated to the memory of prof. V.M. Tsukernika (1927-2012) was held for the sixth time. This year Victor Moiseyevich would have turned 90 years old. With the scientific report "Resonance in the Kitaev's model ", the Leading Researcher, prof. A.A. Zvyagin (B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU). V.M. Tsuckernik former PhD Students and colleagues shared memories of the scientific and pedagogical activities of Viktor Moiseevich.

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The seminar was attended by: Prof. N.M. Makarov (University of Puebla, Mexico), member-cor. NASU, prof. IN. Yampolsky, Leading researcher A.V. Kats, Senior Research Scientist A.M. Pritula, Senior Researcher Vekslerchik V.E. (All - IRE NASU), Prof.I.V. Krive, Prof. Kovalev OS, Prof. Bogdan M.M., Senior Researcher Kulinich S.I. (ILTPE NASU), Assoc. Stepanovsky Yu.P., Prof. Cheranovskii V.O. (Chem. Faculty), asp. Tokarev V.V. (Chem. faculty), Assoc. Lyubimov O.I., Head of Department. Rashba G.I., Prof. Kontorovich V.М. (RIAN NANU), Leading researcher Zaslavsky O.B. (School of Physics and Technology Faculty), Filatova LD (Associate Professor of KNADU), prof. V.G. Peschansky.

apostolov_award Congratulations to the Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics Stanislav Sergeyevich Apostolov with the diploma of the Kharkov Regional State Administration and the K.D. Sinelnikov Scholarship for great achievements in the field of science!

Congratulations on winning the 9th International Student Tournament of Physicists the united team of the university: Victoria Zaytseva, Zaitseva Olga, Sikachina Igor (School of Physics) and Bidenko Bogdan, Gerashchenko Cyril, Ivashtenko Arina (School of Physics and Technology)!
The team is headed by Zakhar AlexandrovichMaiselis , associate professor of the Theoretical Physics Department named after academician IM Lifshits, and Alexey Andreevich Golubov, associate professor of theoretical physics and higher mathematics at the Chair of Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Higher Mathematics named after AI Akhiezer.

Tournament site.

In Memoriam of Emanuil Aizikovich Kaner

E.А.Kaner (1931-1986)

Now we celebrate the 85th anniversary of Emanuil Aizikovich Kaner – a corresponding member of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the brilliant theoretical physicist, the outstanding scientist and teacher boundlessly devoted to science, the wonderful lecturer and educator.
E.A. Kaner was born in Kharkov on November 19, 1931. In 1954 he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kharkov State University. Besides the diploma on the basic specialty “theoretical physics”, he defended an experimental thesis on optics. Further, during the whole his scientific activity, E.A. Kaner was interested in experiments and much collaborated with experimenters.
E.A. Kaner was one of brilliant representatives of the theoretic school by I.M. Lifshits. The most important E.A. Kaner’s investigations refer to the theory of plasma phenomena in metals. Due to the discovery of cyclotron resonance and other his works in this area, the conventional notions on a metal as a medium where any propagation of electromagnetic oscillations is impossible have been revised. E.A. Kaner predicted the existence of different types of such oscillations able to propagate deep into the metal, he revealed a new mechanism of their absorption (so-called Landau’s magnetic damping), developed the theoretical concepts on the single-particle ballistic mechanism for metals anomalous transparency.
One of the first, E.A. Kaner began the investigations on magnetic acoustics of metals. He predicted the acoustical cyclotron and helicon-phonon resonances, the resonance in open orbits, giant quantum oscillations of sound speed, strong non-adiabatic effects under the electron-ion interactions; he developed the theoretical basis for the magnetic acoustic-electronics of metals on Rayleigh waves.
E.A. Kaner contributes much into the development of the problem of instability and propagation of waves in semiconductor and gas-discharge plasma – predicted a helicoid instability of coupled sound and spiral electromagnetic waves, developed the theory of a new type cyclotron parametric instability in semiconductors.
The productive scientific ideas by E.A. Kaner were realized in the statistical theory of radio-waves propagation in the turbulent troposphere and wave scattering at hydro-meteors, in the area of radio-location, and other areas of the modern radio-physics. Last his years E.A. Kaner actively studied the magneto-impurity waves in metals, the problem of a magnetic breakdown, acoustic properties of low-dimensional disordered systems, non-linear electrodynamics of metals and semiconductors.
E.A. Kaner is the co-author of two fundamental discoveries: 1) The Cyclotron Resonance in Metals (Azbel-Kaner’s resonance), 1966; 2) Electromagnetic Surges in Conducting Medium (anomalous propagation), 1970.
For the cycle of works on the magneto-acoustical spectroscopy of metals E.A. Kaner was awarded by the State Premium of Ukraine (1980).
For more than two decades E.A. Kaner carried out an active educational work as the Professor of Kharkov State University. He is the author of general courses on the electrodynamics and on the theory of metals. He developed a lot of tasks for teaching the theoretical physicists also nowadays.
All the methodical achievements by E.A. Kaner are based, first of all, on his highest professional level as a scientist. The communication with this outstanding scientist, brilliant and widely erudite man was a main stimulus for Kaner’s learners. His principal motto, rather appeal, was the statement: “Every man should grow over himself”.
E.A. Kaner successfully combined his scientific and educational activity with great organization work. He was a member of the editorial board of journals “Solid State Communications”, “Physics of Low Temperatures”, and “Ukrainian Physical Journal”.
E.A. Kaner was a head and an active participant of a lot of scientific seminars. He asserted that the seminar is not a resting-place, but the place for the most intense scientific work. He communicated with young men very much. He considered the scientific activity as the best kind of bringing-up work. His passion and enthusiasm for science influenced much on all his learners (among them there are more than 20 Candidates and 11 Doctors of Sciences) who now actively work in many countries of the world.
Already for 30 years after E.A. Kaner’s death, the International Jubilee Seminars take place in Kharkov Scientists House every five years, and annual seminars are carried out for his memory in Kharkov National University named after V.N. Karazin.

Novebmer 24, 2016

emblem On November, 22-23, 2016 the House of Scientists (Kharkiv, Zhen Myronosyts Str., 10) hosted the International Jubilee Seminar “Current problems in Solid State Physics”, dedicated to the memory of Associate member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine E. A. Kaner (1931-1986) and 60th anniversary of discovery of Azbel – Kaner cyclotron resonance.
E.A.Kaner is a world-renowned scientist, co-author of two discoveries: the cyclotron resonance, which is now called Azbel – Kaner resonance and the phenomenon of ballistic penetration of the radio waves into metals or so-called Gantmakher – Kaner mode, laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR. Kaner worked at the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences since its foundation in 1955. Since 1965 he was the foundator and the head of the department of the theory of solids, and for many years worked at the Department of Theoretical Physics of Kharkiv University. E.A. Kaner also was the editor of the «Solid State Communications» magazine.
For two days, students and pupils of E.A.Kaner’s students discussed their new results in the theory of electron nanosystem and related areas of theoretical physics.

The event at KHNU website.

17 ноября 2016

July 1, 2016

We congratulate the successful performance at the 29th International Young Physicists' Tournament!

Team "Angular Momentum" of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 161 won the 3st place at the 29th International Young Physicists' Tournament ( which take place in Yekaterinburg (Russia) from June, 26 to July, 3 2016. Team Leader is Z.A.Mayzelis, associate professor of Theoretical Physics Department. Picture from Facebook Page of Victor Pivovar.


June 30, 2016

On June, 30, 2016 a joint Memorial Prof. V.M.Tsukernik's Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Department of Statistical Methods in Mathematical Physics. Former students and colleagues shared their memories about the scientific and pedagogical Prof. V.M.Tsukernik activity.

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During Prof.V.M.Kontorovich talk During Prof. A.A.Zvyagin talk

June 24, 2016

Our sincere congratulations on Birthday and on the Award!

June 14, 2016 Professor of the Theoretical Physics Department, Corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Valeriy Alexandrovich Yampolskii selebrated his 70th birthday. Valery Alexandrovich is the Head of the Theoretical Physics Department of IRE NASU, he is a member of the Academic Council IRE NAS of Ukraine, a memeber of the scientific council at ILTPE NASU, a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Radiophysics and Electronics." He received a Soros grant (1994-1996 p. 1998 p.), INTAS grants (1998-2000 p., 2002-2004 p.). Prof. Yampolskii is the Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2013).
S.I.Chenov, Chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Council, and V.S.Bakirov, Rector of Kharkiv National University, at the University Academic Council sincerely congratulated Valeriy Alexandrovich with the anniversary and awarded with the Certificate of Honor and the highest Karazin National University Award – V.N.Karazin Medal.

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June 24, 2016
On June 21, 2016all BS all students of PhО47 group passed their Qualification Exam with Excelent points, аnd on June 24, 2016 defended their BS Theses.

Congratulations to our graduates with excellent grades! We expect all to continue as MS! Photoreport

June 24, 2016
June 23, 2016 in the Assambly Hall of the KhNU Northern Building master's degree programs Fair was held. ПPlease see Photoreport Assoc. A.R.Kazachkov about School of Physics Exhibition work and the preparing of the Exhibition.

June 21, 2016

June 13th-17th 2016, Košice, Slovakia 16th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism CSMAG'16 tool place. The conference was attended by graduates of the Theoretical Physics Department of different years. At Photo below from left to right: А.Kotlyar, А.Paraphilo, М.Pankratova, E.Еzerskaya.

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Opening Ceremony Oral talk by A.Paraphilo
June 2, 2016

The Summer Camp for Physics for high school pupils started at the Faculty of Physics of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. The event program includes lectures of leading University scientists, the University Astronomical Observatory visiting, practical experimental work at the Faculty of Physics Labs. "It seems that today the record of Academician K.D.Sinelnikov Auditorium occupancy was broken, but not on the total age of event participants" – one of the Organizers of the Summer Camp for Physics Assoc. Prof. A.R.Kazachkov said. Please, see the photo reportage about the first day of the Workshop.

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A lecture about the experimental detection of gravitational waves reads Assoc. Prof. of Theoretical Physics Department Yu.P.Stepanovsky Organizing Committee representatives Assoc. Profs. G.I.Rashba and A.R.Kazachkov
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Amazings experiments for pupils by Prof. V.D.Egorenkov and Head of Laboratory B.M.Valiev
Assoc. A.R.Kazachkov Photos frmo 02.06.2016 and 10.06.2016

November 19, 2015

On November 19, 2015 a joint seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics IRE NASU, in memory of a of the correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences URSR EA Kaner took place. Scientific talk were made by Dr. of Science in Physics and Mathematics Yu.V.Tarasov ("Mirroring the scattering of electromagnetic waves on the surface impedance fluctuations," Yu.V.Tarasov, O.V.Usatenko) and D.V.Kadigrobov ("Anomalous transmission of electromagnetic waves through a periodically modulated layered superconductor plate").

s_kaner_2015_1 s_kaner_2015-2
tarasov d_kadygrob
Yu.V.Tarasov talk D.V.Kadygrob talk

November 1, 2015

On November 1, 2015 at Kharkiv Lyceum of Physics and Mathematics No. 27 ХХІV City Tournament of Young Physicists for 9-11th graders of comprehensive schools was held . Team "Angular Momentum" of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 161 won the 1st place for the second year in a row . Team Leader - Z.A.Mayzelis, associate professor of theoretical physics department.
Congratulations to the Zakhar Mayzelis and team members!

Award ceremony



October 16, 2015

Our Greetings!
4th year student (Gr. F047) Nikolay Vovk won the competition for Yurii Sapronov Kharkiv Municipal Charity Foundation Scholarship. The ceremony took place with the participation of the Head of the Foundation, Yurii Sapronov, Karazin University Vice-Presidents Mykola Azarienkov and Yurii Kholin, university staff and students.

June 4, 2015

On June, 4, 2015 a joint Memorial Prof. V.M.Tsukernik's Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Department of Statistical Methods in Mathematical Physics. Scientific presentations were made by Leading Researcher ILTPE National Academy of Sciences, Prof. A.A.Zvyagin, "Relaxation of the magnetic system after turning on the magnetic field," Assoc. of the Theoretical Physics Dept E.V.Ezerskaya, "Spin XY model (S = 1/2) in the theory of magnetism". Former students and colleagues shared their memories about the scientific and pedagogical Prof. V.M.Tsukernik activity.

 A.A.Zvyagin V.M.Kontorovich
Prof. A.A.Zvyagin Prof. V.M.Kontorovich

May 18 2015
Two staff members of the Department of Theoretical Physics named after academician I.M.Lifshits Prof. Alexander Semenovich Kovalev and Assoc. Prof. Zakhar Alexandrovich Mayzelis awarded K.D.Sinelnikov Scholarships from Kharkov State Administration in nominations of outstanding scientists and young scientists respectively. Our congratulations to Alexander Semenovich and Zakhar Alexandrovich!

Kovalev_award Maizelis_award


Happy Birthday to A.S.Kovalev!
18 May 2015 professor of theoretical physics department selebrated his 70th birthday. Alexander S. Kovalev is the winner of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Price named O.S.Davydov for achievements in the field of theoretical physics (2005), was awarded by the Letter of commendation from Ukrainian parliament (2010), winner of the State Prize of Ukraine for achievements in the field of science and Technology for 2013, this year was awarded the diploma of the Kharkiv regional state administration and the . K.D.Sinelnikov Fellowship in Physics in the category of outstanding scientists.

May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015 1 May 2015 75 years jubelee Assoc. Prof. of I.M.Lifshits Theoretical Physics Department Oleg Lyubimov.
Best wishes and many returns of the Day to Oleg Іvanovich! 1 мая 2015

December 29, 2014
November 15, 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the Prof. of the Theoretical Physics Department L.E.Pargamanik birth. December 29, 2014 at the Theoretical Physics Department meeting Prof. V.V.Ulyanov made a presentation devoted to the 100 th anniversary of prof. L.E.Pargamanik.
Z.A.Majzelis November 21-26 2014 the 23 All-Ukrainian Tournament of Young Physicists was held in Kharkiv on the basis of the regional specialized boarding school "Talent". "Angular momentum" team from Kharkiv Lyceum № 161 "Impulse" won the first place. Team coach is the Physical Faculty graduate 2006, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics Department named after Academician I.M. Lifshits, Zakhar Mayzelis.
Congratulations for Z.A.Mayzelis and his team victory. We wish them every success and good luck in the international tournament!
Special thanks to the head of the of physical experiments demonstration laboratory of our faculty Boris Mikhailovich Valiev for the preparation and conduct of the captain's contest.
See Photos at KhNU Website.


On November 19, 2014 a joint Memorial E.A.Kaner's (1931-1986) Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and Usikov Intstitute of Radiophysics and Electronics (IRE) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Theoretical Physics Department.
Scientific reports were made by IRE PhD students Anton Kuzmenko "Backward resonant diffractionin features in metal lattices at grazing incidence of light» (A.B. Katz, A.A. Kuz'menko) and Tatiana Rokhmanova "Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves through a layered superconductor plate in an external constant magnetic field" (S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Mayzelis, T.N. Rokhmanova, V.A.Yampol'skii.

v_yampolskii a_kuzmenko
19_11_2014 t_rokhmanova

June, 27, 2014
On June 26, 2014 Prof. V.V.Ulyanov celebrated his 80 year jubilee. Vladimir Vladimirovich was the head of Theoretical Physics Department from 1818 to 1993, he trained many generations of well-known theoretical physicists? He is author of many books. V.S.Bakirov, Rector of Kharkiv National University at the University Academic Council sincerely congratulated Vladimir Vladimirovich with the anniversary and awarded with the Certificate of Honor and the highest Karazin National University Award – V.N.Karazin Medal.
Our sincere congratulations on the 80 years anniversary of Vladimir Vladimirovich!

v.v.uluanov_27_06_2014 medal_ulyanov

June, 23, 2014.
Congratulations to the students of F047 group with good and excellent marks on the final (state) qualification exam!

17 June, 2014

Congratulations to the students of F057 group with successful defenses of MS theses! Photogallery

16 June, 2014

On 16 June, our undergraduate students (Group Ph0-47) defended BSc qualification works.
Congratulations to our bachelors with excellent grades! We wish them every success and good luck during the qualification (state) exams!


5 June 2014

On June, 5, 2014 a joint Memorial Prof. V.M.Tsukernik's Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Department of Statistical Methods in Mathematical Physics. Former students and colleagues shared their memories about the scientific and pedagogical Prof. V.M.Tsukernik activity. V.M.Tsukernik


22 April 2014

Physics Department hosted the annual Student Conference "Student and scientific and technical progress". Active participation in the conference, students of our department. Oral presentations made MS students: V.M.Travin, O.A.Ilinskaya, A.O.Tkachenko, M.V.Hlystyuk, posters presented BSc students: O.S.Shevchenko, N.A.Yalovega, undergraduate students: M.M. Mokhil'naya and T.M.Shalomaєva. We were pleased that this year among the speakers were also students of Radiophysics and physics and technical faculties.

Oxana_Shevchenko ratushna

Head of the Student's Scientific Society
Oksana Shevchenko
during the opening ceremony

Oral presentation of
(Faculty of RadioPhysics)

poster_session after_conf

Pictures made during the Poster Session and at

the Conference Closing Ceremony

December 6, 2013

December 3-5 XI International Conference "Physical phenomena in solids" was held at Physical Faculty. University Vice-rector M.A.Azarenkov greeted the participants. The conference was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the eminent physicist, academician Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kharkov State University Rector from 1967 to 1975 V.G.Hotkevich. Prof. of the Department of Theoretical Physics A.M.Ermolaev spoke about the scientific and civic activities V.G.Hotkevich, and prof.V.V.Ulyanov shared memories about the history of the conference "Physical phenomena in solids".
Theoretical Physics Section was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of academician A.M.Kosevich. Scientific reports were scientists KhNU, ILTPE NASU, L’viv National University .

M.O.Azarenkov V.V.Ulyanov

On November 19, 2013 a joint Memorial E.A.Kaner's (1931-1986) Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and Usikov Intstitute of Radiophysics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Theoretical Physics Department.

sem_1 sem_2

Scientific reports were presented by


PhD Majzelis Z.A. "Tristability in Qubit-Oscillator System with External
Periodic Perturbations, Decay and Decoherence",


PhD Apostolov S.S. "Hydrodynamic Coulomb Drag in a Highly Interacting Electron Liquid"


PhD Mel'nik S.S."Entropy and Long-range Correlations in Random
Binary sequences".

November, 12, 2013
From 8 to 12 November, 2013 12th Ukrainian student tournament of physicists took place at Kharkiv National University. The first place for the second time in a row have got Physics and Technology Faculty team of our university. Faculty of Physics Team (captain - Alexei Maystrenko, team members - Anna Bessonova, Nicholas Yalovega, Eugene Petrenko, Tatiana Shalomaeva, Oksana Shevchenko, team leaders - PhD, Assoc. S.S.Apostolov and PhD, Assoc. Z.A.Mayzelis) took second place, and Anna Bessonova also won individual second place. Congratulations for our students! Details

October, 29, 2013
Newspaper "Kharkov University" published an article about our 4th year students "Group FО-47 Phenomenon"

June, 27, 2013
On June 16, 2013 Prof. A.M.Ermolaev celebrated his 75 year jubilee. During 20 years Alexander Mikhaylovich was the head of Theoretical Physics Department, he trained many generations of well-known theoretical physicists. V.S.Bakirov, Rector of Kharkiv National University at the University Academic Council sincerely congratulated Alexander Mikhaylovich with the anniversary and awarded with the Certificate of Honor and the highest Karazin National University Award – V.N.Karazin Medal.
Our sincere congratulations on the anniversary of Alexander Mikhailovich!
Certificate of Honor (pdf). Faculty staff greetings (pdf)

karazin_medal-1 karazin_medal_image

June, 20, 2013.
Congratulations to the students of F047 group with good and excellent marks on the final (state) qualification exam!

June, 14, 2013.
Congratulations to the students of F057 group with successful defenses of MS theses ! Photogallery

On June, 5, 2013 a joint Memorial Prof. V.M.Tsukernik's Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Department of Statistical Methods in Mathematical Physics

Scientific report "Possibility of direct observation of Majorana edge fermions in 1D quantum systems" were presented by leading research fellow of the Department of Statistical Methods in Mathematical Physics Dr.Sc., Prof. A.Zvyagin.

A.A.Zvyagin seminar_5.06.2012

April 12, 2013
April 9-11 at Lutsk East European University named after Lesya Ukrainka Second round of Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Physics took place. Congratulations to our students Andrew Bozhko (group code F057) and Alexei Maystrenko (group code F037) with victory in this competition!

March, 7, 2013
The students of our department successfully competed at First Round of All-Ukrainian Student Competition in Physics. Congratulations to Andrew Bojko (gr. F057), Alexei Davydov Maistrenko and Margarita (gr. F037) with top places and wish them every success and good luck!

February 4, 2013.
Our Department have got honorable 3th place rating among best-achieving Natural and Mathematical profile departments in 2011/2012 academic year.

On November, 19, 2012 a joint Memorial E.A.Kaner's Seminar was held by KhNU Theoretical Physics Department and Usikov Intstitute of Radiophysics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Theoretical Physics Department.

Scientific reports were presented by DSc Yu.V.Tarasov "wave propagation through a segment of the waveguide with periodically corrugated walls: the critical role of visual ripple" (al. VA Goryashko, LD Shostenko) and NASU Corresponding Member VA Yampolsky "Oblique surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductorss" (al. YO Averkov, F. Nori, VM Yakovenko).

Tarasov Yampolsky

June, 2012.
Congratulations to the students of F047 group with successful defenses of BS theses and with excellent marks on the final (state) exam!

Congratulations to the students of F057 group with successful defenses of MS theses ! Photogallery

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