Victor Slavin was born in 1970.
In 1992, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kharkiv State University. From the same year to the present, he has been working at the B.I. Verkin Institute of Physics and Technology of Low Temperatures of the NAS of Ukraine.
From 1992 to 1994, Slavin V.V. studied at the postgraduate course at the B.I. Verkin Institute of Physics and Technology of the NAS of Ukraine.
In 1994 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Migration of excitons in quasi-one-dimensional molecular and antiferromagnetic crystals" in the specialty (01.04.07) solid state physics.
In 2007 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic "The influence of collective effects and thermodynamic and kinetic properties of low-dimensional discrete lattice systems", in the specialty (01.04.02) - theoretical physics. In the same year, he was awarded the title of "senior researcher".In the same year, he was awarded the title of “senior researcher”.
Since 2021, he has been the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the NAS of Ukraine.
Since September 2021, he has been a professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics (part-time).
Slavin V.V. is a co-author of more than 100 scientific publications, including 2 monographs, 1 teaching manual, 56 articles in professional scientific publications, including more than 60 articles in scientific journals with a high impact factor (Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Phys. Stat. Sol., International Journal of Modern Physics B, Low Temperature Physics and others).
Slavin V. V. has experience in teaching. Since 2017, he has been teaching the course “Modern computational methods, approaches and systems and their application in scientific experiments, modeling of physical processes, calculations and data processing” in postgraduate studies at the B.I. Verkin Institute of Informatics and Information Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Research interests: electrical and magnetic phenomena in low-dimensional and disordered systems, modern numerical methods of theoretical physics.
Graduate courses: Physics of dispersed systems: physical foundations of nanotechnology.
Special courses: numerical methods of theoretical physics, low-dimensional magnetism, mesoscopic physics.
Main publications:
- Yu.P. Blagoi, I.A. Levitsky, Yu.V. Rubin, V.V. Slavin. One-Dimensional Migration of Triplet Excitations at Low Temperatures: Polyquanylic acid-Tb complex. Chemical Phys Letters. v. 203, pp.265-270, (1993).
- V.V. Eremenko, V.A. Karachevtsev, A.R. Kazachkov, V.V. Shapiro, V.V. Slavin. Unusual Behaviour of the Luminescence in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Crystal CsMnCl3*2H2O at Low Temperature. Sol.St.Communs. v. 87, N 11, pp.1027-1029 (1993).
- V.V. Eremenko, V.A. Karachevtsev, A.R. Kazachkov, V.V. Shapiro, V.V. Slavin. Excitons Migration in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet CsMnCl3*2H2O. Phys Rev.B, v. 49, N 5, pp.11799-11808 (1994).
- A. Deville, B. Gaillard, V. Slavin, A.A. Stepanov. ESR in the Electron-Doped Gd2-xCexCuO4 System. Physica C 235, Part 3, p. 1641-1642 (1994).
- V.A. Karachevtsev, I.A. Levitsky, V.V. Slavin. Monte Carlo Simulation of Exciton Trapping in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic CsMnCl3*2H2O. J.Chem.Phys., v. 107, N 7, p. 2656-2660 (1995).
- V.V. Eremenko, V.A. Karachevtsev, V.V. Shapiro, V.V. Slavin. Low Temperature Transport of Magnetic Excitons in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet CsMnCl3*2H2O Doped with Cu2+ ions. Phys.Rev.B, v. 54, N 1, pp. 447-453 (1996).
- A.A. Slutskin, H.A. Kovtun, V.V. Slavin. The Ground State of a Two-dimensional Lattice System with a Long-range Interparticle Repulsion. Stripe Formation and Effective Lowering of Dimension, Phys.Rev.B, v. 61, p.14184-14193 (2000).
- V.V. Slavin, A.A. Slutskin. Thermodynamics of a One-Dimensional Lattice System with Long-Range Interelectron Repulsion. Phys.Rev.B. v. 54, N 11, pp.8095-8100 (1996).
- V.V. Eremenko, V.A. Karachevsev, V.V. Slavin. Phonon Termoactivted Exciton Tunnelling in Crystals of Weak Transfer Complexes N-TCPA Doped with Nd8-TCPA. Chem.Phys., v. 216, N1-2, pp.1-6 (1997).
- A.A.Slutskin, V.V.Slavin, H.A.Kovtun. The Ground State of Two-dimensional Lattice System with a Long-Range Interparticel Repulsion. Effective Lowering of Dimension. Los Alamos Preprint Server cond.-mat. 1998 N#9808009.
- A.A. Slutskin, V.V. Slavin, H.A. Kovtun. The Ground State of the ``Frozen'' Electron Phase in Two-Dimensional Narrow-Band Conductors with a Long-Range Interelectron Repulsion. Stripe Formation and Effective Lowering of Dimension. Loss Alamos Preprint Server cond.-mat. 1999 N#9903122.
- A.A. Slutskin, V.V. Slavin, H.A. Kovtun. The Ground State of a Two-dimensional Lattice System with a Long-range Interparticle Repulsion. Stripe Formation and Effective Lowering of Dimension. Phys.Rev.B, v. 61, pp.14184-14193 (2000).
- V.V. Slavin. Numerical studies of a one-dimensional Generalized Wigner Crystal on disordered host-lattice, International Journal of Modern Physics C, v. 15, N 7, pp.955-965 (2004).
- V.V. Slavin. Low-temperature thermodynamics and the ground state structure of one-dimensional disordered electron lattice system, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), v. 241, N 13, pp.2928-2937 (2004).
- V.V. Slavin. Low-temperature thermodynamic properties of one-dimensional disordered electron lattice system, Sol.Stat.Com., v. 131, N 6, pp.355-358 (2004).
- A.A. Slutskin, V.V. Slavin. Low-temperature thermodynamics of one-dimensional Wigner glass on a highly disordered host lattice, Physica B, v. 364, N 1-4, pp.321-327 (2005).
- V.V. Slavin. Low-energy spectrum of one-dimensional generalized Wigner lattice, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), v. 242, N 10, pp.2033-2040 (2005).
- V.V. Slavin. Low-temperature thermodynamics of two-dimensional electron gas on disordered host-lattice, Low Temperature Physics v. 35, N 2, pp.149-154 (2009).
- V.V. Slavin. Monte Carlo simulation of a two-dimensional electron gas on a disordered host lattice Low Temperature Physics v. 36, N 3, pp.243-249 (2010).
- V.V.Slavin, A.A.Krivchikov. Monte Carlo simulation of anisotropic Shastry-Sutherland lattice in the framework of classical Heisenberg model, Low Temperature Physics, v. 37, N 12, pp. 1006-1009 (2011).
- V.G. Piryatinskaya, I.S. Kachur, V.V. Slavin, A.V. Yeremenko, Y.M. Vysochanskii. Temperature behavior of the fundamental optical absorption band in quasi-two-dimensional crystalline MnPS3, Low Temperature Physics v. 38, N 9, pp.870-873 (2012).
- L.A. Pastur, V.V. Slavin, A.A. Krivchikov. Ground state of one-dimension repulsing particles on disordered lattice, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, v. 25(8), pp.1450028-1450044 (2014).
- L. Pastur, V. Slavin. Area Law Scaling for the Entropy of Disordered Quasifree Fermions, PRL, v. 113, pp.150404-1--150404-5 (2014).
- V.V. Slavin, A.A. Krivchikov. Magnetic properties of the quantum Shastry-Sutherland model with spin S = 1/2, Low Temperature Physics v. 40, N 11, pp.985-989 (2014).
- L. Pastur, V. Slavin. The Absence of the Selfaveraging Property of the Entanglement Entropy of Disordered Free Fermions in One Dimension, Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 170, pp.207-220 (2018).
- V.V. Slavin, Y.V. Savin. Superdiffusive transport in one-dimensional disordered Dirac model, Low Temperature Physics v. 44, N 12, pp.1293-129 (2018).
- V. Marchenko, V.Slavin. Inverse Problems in the Theory of Small Oscillations, American Mathematical Society, 2018. 157 pp.
- V.O. Cheranovskii, V.V. Slavin, A.L. Tchougréeff, R. Dronskowski. The gapless energy spectrum and spin-Peierls instability of 1D Heisenberg spin systems in polymeric complexes of transition metals and hypothetical carbon allotropes, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, v. 30, N 31, pp. 305601-305606 (2019).
- V.O. Cheranovskii, V.V. Slavin, E.V. Ezerskaya, A.L. Tchougréeff, R. Dronskowski. Magnetic Properties of Quasi-One-Dimensional Crystals Formed by Graphene Nanoclusters and Embedded Atoms of the Transition Metals, Crystals, v. 9, N 5, pp.251-262 (2019).
- I.V. Popov, V.V. Slavin, A.L. Tchougréeff, R. Dronskowski. Deductive molecular mechanics of four-coordinated carbon allotropes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, N 33, pp. 18138-18148 (2019).
- L. А. Pastur, V. V. Slavin and A. V. Yanovsky. Accumulation of spin-polarized states of charge carriers and a spintronic battery, Low Temp. Phys., v. 46, N 7, pp. 724-733 (2020).
- V.O. Cheranovskii, V.V. Slavin, D.J. Klein. Quantum‐phase transitions in 1D Heisenberg spin systems. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 121, N 5, p.26498 (2021).
- A.A. Zvyagin, V.V. Slavin, Spin nematic ordering in the spin-1 chain system, Phys. Rev. B 106 (5), 054429 (2022).
- L. Pastur, V. Slavin, On random matrices arising in deep neural networks: General I.I.D. case, Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 12 (01), 2250046 (2023).
- A.A. Zvyagin, V.V. Slavin, G.A. Zvyagina, Manifestation of spin nematic ordering in the spin-1 chain system, Phys. Rev. B 107 (13), 134421 (2023).
- A.A. Zvyagin, V.V. Slavin, Intersite spin nematic ordering in the spin- chain system, Phys. Rev. B 109 (10) 104409 (2023).
- A.A. Zvyagin, V.V. Slavin, Governing of the piezoelectric effect by external fields and strains, Scientific Reports 14 (1) 18335 (2024).