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Rashba Georgiy Illich


Head of the Theoretical Physics Department
named after academician I.M. Lifshits,
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics

Contact information:

Dept of Theoretical Physics, 4 Svobody Sq.,
Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine.
Phone: +38 (057) 707-54-30,
Room: 6-36

Scholar Google Profile    Research Gate Profile

Scopus AuthorID

 Education: higher, physicist.
Kharkov State University, Department of Physics. MS. (Physics). Certificate of degree
КБ № 004994 from June 21, 1993.

Academic degree: PhD, 01.04.02 – Theoretical physics, certificate of degree
ДК № 004621 from October 13, 1999, Kharkov State University. Thesis: “Spiral and magnetoplasma waves in conductors with magneto-impurity states of electrons”.
Associate Professor, 01.04.02 – Theoretical physics, certification 02ДЦ № 014831 from June 16, 2005.

Research interests: methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics and kinetics, theory of nanosystems on curved surfaces.

Affiliation: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics named after academician I.M. Lifshits, Assoc. Professor.

Teaching Experience:
2000 – Present: lecturer in “Statistical physics” (Graduate Course for Physicists).
2000 – Present: lecturer in “Mechanics of continuous media”, “Green’s functions in quantum statistics and kinetics” (Advanced Courses in Theoretical Physics).
2000 – Present: instructor in “Statistical physics” (Graduate Course for Physicists).
2000 – Present: Supervisor for MS.
Co-author in 21th text-books for the students of Kharkov University.
Scientific guidance of 12 M.Sc. students.

Publications: author of more than 60 publications.


Selected main papers


1. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Towards to the theory of magnetoimpurity states of electrons in conductors”, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 30, № 1, pp. 69-73, 2004.
2. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Towards to the theory of magnetoplasma waves in quantum wires”, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 32, № 3, pp. 329-336, 2006.
3. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Functional methods in the theory of magnetoimpurity states of electrons in quantum wires”, Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter, vol. 20, 7 pp., 175212, 2008.
4. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Impurity states of electrons in quantum dots in external magnetic fields”, The European Physical Journal, B 66, pp. 223-226, 2008.
5. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Thermodynamic function of electron gas on the semiconductor nanotube surface in a magnetic field”, The European Physical Journal, B 73, pp. 383-388, 2010.
6. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Spin waves on the surface of the nonferromagnetic nanotube in magnetic field”, Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 2077-2080, 2011.
7. A.M. Ermolaev, S.V. Kofanov, G.I. Rashba “Electron gas dynamic conductivity tensor on the nanotube surface in magnetic field”, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, Article ID 901848 (7 pp.), 2011.
8. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Electron spin waves on the surface of a nanotube”, Physics of the Solid State, vol. 53, № 8, pp. 1518-1522, 2011.
9. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Heat capacity of electron gas on the surface of a nanotube with a superlattice in a magnetic field”, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 37, № 9/10, pp. 1033-1039, 2011.
10. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Collective excitations of an electron gas on a nanotube surface in a magnetic field”, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 37, № 11, pp. 1156-1162, 2011.
11. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Magnetoplasma waves on the surface of a semiconductor nanotube with a superlattice”, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 38, № 6, pp. 653-659, 2012.
12. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, M.A. Solyanik “Spin waves on the surface of a semiconductor nanotube with a superlattice”, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 38, № 10, pp. 1209-1215, 2012.
13. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Electron gas high-frequency conductivity on the surface of a nanotube with superlattice in magnetic field”, Physica B, vol. 451, pp. 20-25, 2014.
14. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “To the theory of plasma waves on the surface of nanotube with superlattice”, Solid State Communications, vol. 192, pp. 79-81, 2014.
15. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Towards to the theory of spin waves on the surface of a nanotube with a superlattice in a magnetic field”, Physics of the Solid State, vol. 56, pp. 1642-1644, 2014.
16. N.V. Gleizer, A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “Thermodynamic functions of a relativistic electron gas on a tube in a magnetic field”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol. 33, № 22, 1950253 (16 pp.), 2019.
17. G.I. Rashba “The Effect of Umklapp Processes on Magnetoplasma Waves on the Surface of a Semiconductor Nanotube with a Superlattice”, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol. 136, № 1, pp. 174-181, 2019. 18. G.I. Rashba Diamagnetism of electron gas on surface of semiconductor nanotube” Acta Physica Polonica A, 2021, 139(1), 66–69.
19. A.M.Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba “ Superlattice on the surface of a nanotube”, Low Temperature Physics, 2021, 47(7), 533–549.
20. G.I. Rashba “Localization of electrons in the field of impurity atoms on the surface of a nanotube”, Low Temperature Physics, 2023, 49(4), страницы 392–397.

Review papers

1. Ermolaev A.M., Rashba G.I. Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials. Vol. 4 – Properties and Commercialization. Chapter 11. Collective Excitations of Electron Gas on the Nanotube Surface in a Magnetic Field: Magnetoplasma and Spin Waves, Zero Sound. – New-York (USA): Nova Science Publishers, 2014, pp. 215-246.
2. Ermolaev A.M., Rashba G.I. Electron Gas: An Overview. 1. Electron Gas on the Surface of a Nanotube: Thermodynamics, Dynamic Сonductivity, and Collective Phenomena. – New York (USA): Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2019. – 122 p.: fig. ISBN 978-1-53616-442-8.


Ermolaev A.M., Rashba G.I. “The Method of Local Perturbations in the Theory of Nanosystems Cambridge Scholars Publishing” (2022) 245pp. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8556-5; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-8556-0

Some International Conferences

1. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, A.I. Shurduk, N.V. Ulyanov “The new type of waves in fermi-liquid of nonmagnnetic metals”, Simposium 24 (Quantum Fluids). Florence, 1993, p.143.
2. A.M. Ermolaev, G.I. Rashba, A.I. Shurduk, N.V. Ulyanov “Collective excitations in the conductors with resonance electron states in magnetic field”, 19th Intern. Сonfer. on statistical physics (STATPHYS 19). Xiamen (China), 1995, p. 89.
3. A.M. Ermolaev, N.V. Gleizer, G.I. Rashba, N.V. Ulyanov “Collective excitations in conductors with resonance electron states”, 15th General Confer. EPS. Baveno-Stresa (Italy), 1996, Vol. 20A, p.105.
4. Rashba G. I. Toward to the Theory of Plasma Waves on the Surface of Nanotube with Superlattice. 2018 Proceedings of the IEEE “NAP-2018”. Pt. 2. 02CBM04 (4 pp.).
5. Rashba G.I. Electron-phonon interaction in two-dimensional conductors with impurity states of electrons: матеріали міжнародної конференції International Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference “Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics”, (Kiev, September 24-26, 2019) / National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Theoretical Physics named after M.M. Bogolyubov, p. 65.


1. Ermolaev A.M., Rashba G.I. Introduction to Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics. [Teaching manual] // KhNU Publishing House, Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin KhNU,   2004 [in Ukrainian]. – 516 p.
2. Ermolaev A.M., Rashba G.I. Lectures on quantum statistics and kinetics. [Teaching manual] // KhNU Publishing House, Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin KhNU, 2012 [in Russian]. – 580 p.



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