Peschansky Valentin Grigoryevich
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Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics Department Named by Academician I.M.Lifshits;Phone: +38(057)707-5430; Room: 5-46 e-mail: |
Date of birth: 20/09/1931. Place of birth: Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine,
Professor in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Theoretical Physics Department named
by academician I.M. Lifshits
1. Associate Professor, Theoretical Physics Department of the Physic-Mathematical Faculty, Kharkov State University, 1959 – 1962, 1966-1970 (part time)
2. Professor Theoretical physics Department (part time), Physical Faculty, 1971 – 2015.
3 Emeritus Professor of theoretical physics department named by academician I.M.Lifshits – since April 2015.
4. Senior Scientific Researcher in the Theoretical Physics Department of the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1962 - 1970.
5. Head of the Theoretical Physics Department of the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1970 - 1986.
6. Head Scientific Researcher, Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine, from 1986.
Member of the Scientific Council on Low Temperature Physics in USSR Academy of Sciences, 1976 - 1992.
Member of the Scientific Council on Low Temperature Physics in Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, from 1977.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal «Fizika nizkikh temperatur» (translated American Institute of Physics as «Low Temperature Physics»), from 1992. Associate Editor-in Chief of the Journal «Fizika nizkikh Temperatur», 1992 - 1995.
Invited Lecturer of International School-Symposium on Physics of Metals: Ust' - Narva (Estonia) - 1975, Pehovitse (Poland) - 1987.
Invited Lecturer in Perunian Universities (Universidad Nacional de Libertad, Trujillo; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima) - 1995.
Invited Lecturer in Macedonian University St. Cyril and Methodium (Skopje, Rep. Macedonia) - 1995; 1997; 2002.
Invited Lecturer in International School-Symposium on Theoretical Physics (Ekaterinburg, Ural, Russia - 1977; Nizhni Tagil, Ural, Russia - 1980; Izhevsk, Udmurtia, Russia, 1996; Ekaterinburg - Cheljabinsk, Russia - 1998, Ekaterinburg - Perm'- Russia - 2002).
Invited Lecturer in International School on Electron Phenomena at Low Temperature (Kostroma, Russia, 1977: Ivanovo, Russia, 1980: Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan, 1982: Tbilisi, Georgia, 1984).
Reports at International Conference on Low Temperature Physics:
Toronto (Canada) - 1960, Dresden (Germany) - 1965, Moscow (USSR) -1966, Wroclaw (Poland) - 1967, Dresden (Germany) –1969, Varna (Bulgaria) – 1971, Los Angeles (USA) - 1981, Karlsruhe (Germany) - 1984, Kyoto (Japan) - 1987, Berlin (Germany) - 1987, Brighton (UK) - 1990, Eugene (Oregon, USA) - 1993, Prague (Czech Republic) - 1996, Helsinki (Finland) - 1999, Hiroshima (Japan) – 2002, Amsterdam (The Netherland) - 2008. Beijing (China) – 2011.
Report at International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors (Moscow) -1968.
Report at International Magnetic Conference (Moscow) - 1973.
Reports at 14 - 22 General Conferences of the Condensed Matter Division: (Madrid, Spain - 1994; Baveno-Stresa, Italy - 1996; Grenoble, France - 1998; Montreux, Switzerland - 2000; Brighton, UK - 2002, Prague, Czech - 2004; Dresden, Germany –2006, Roma Italy - 2008).
Reports at International Conference of the Problems Condensed Matter Theory (Moscow, Russia -1997).
Report at Workshop «Topology in Condensed Matter Physics» (Dresden, Germany - 2002)
Report at International Magnetic Conference (Moscow) - 1973.
Reports at 14 - 22 General Conferences of the Condensed Matter Division: Madrid, Spain - 1994; Baveno-Stresa, Italy - 1996; Grenoble, France - 1998; Montreux, Switzerland - 2000; Brighton, UK - 2002, Prague, Czech - 2004; Dresden, Germany –2006, Roma Italy - 2008.
Reports at International Conference of the Problems Condensed Matter Theory (Moscow, Russia -1997).
Report at Workshop «Topology in Condensed Matter Physics» (Dresden, Germany - 2002)
He is an author and coauthor over 170 publications, among them 4 monographs. He was a supervisor of 20 PhD students, 4 of which became the Doctor of Science.
Granted by Soros’s professor (1994), Laureate of the State Award of Ukraine in area of science and technique (2009), he was awarded by the medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "For the training of the new scientific generation" (2010).
Selected scientific publications:
· Galvanomagnetic Charakteristic of Metals with open Fermi Surfaces»/ I.M.Lifshits, V.G.Peschansky// Zh.Eks.Teor.Fiz (JETP) 35, 1251-1264 (1958); ibid.38, 188-193 (1960). Contribution to the Theory of Magnetoacoustic Resonance in Metals / E.A.Kaner, V.G.Peschansky, I.A.Privorotsky // Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. (JETP) 40, 214-226 (1961).
· Contribution to the Theory of Magnetoacoustic Resonance in Metals / E.A.Kaner, V.G.Peschansky, I.A.Privorotsky // Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. (JETP) 40, 214-226 (1961).
· Thermomagnetische und galvanomagnetische Effecte in dunnen Metalproben / M.Ya.Azbel', V.G.Peschansky// Monatsberichte der Deuts. Akad. d.Wissens. zu Berlin, vol.7, Heft 10/11 (1965) deuts.; Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 49, 572-587 (1965); 52, 1003-1012 (1967); 55, 1980-1996 (1968) -russian.
· Cyclotron Resonance in an Inclined Magnetic Field/ M.Ja.Azbel', V.G.Peschansky// Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.(JETP Lett.) 5, issue 12, 26-29 (1967); Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 54, 477-490 (1968)
· Cyclotron Resonance in thin Films/ V.G.Peschansky// Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.(JETP Lett.) 7, issue 12, 469-492 (1968).
· On Shubnikov - de Haas Effect in thin Conductors»/ V.G.Peschansky, V.V.Sinolitsky// Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.(JETP Lett.) 16, issue 8, 484-487 (1972)
· On nonlinear Effects in thin Conductors»// V.G.Peschansky, K.Oyamada, V.V.Polevich// Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 67, 1989-2000 (1974).
· «Static Skin Effect in Metals with open Fermi Surface» O.V.Kirichenko, V.G.Peschansky, S.N.Savel'eva, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 77, 2045-2060 (1979).
· Quantum Magnetosize Effects in Metals/ S.S.Nedorezov, V.G.Peschansky// Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.(JETP Lett.) 31, issue 10, 577-581 (1980); Physica 108B, 903-904 (1981); Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.(JETP), 80, 368-379 (1981).
· Electromagnetic Field Spakes in thin Metal Slabs» M.A.Lur'e, V.G.Peschansky, K.Yiasemides// J. Low Temp. Phys. 56, No ¾, 277-313 (1984).
· On Galvanomagnetic Size Effects in Metals/ V.G.Peschansky// J. Stat. Phys. 38, No ½, 253-266 (1985).
· Static Skin Effect at high Current Density// K.Oyamada, V.G.Peschansky, D.I.Stepanenko// Physica B, 165/166, 277-278 (1990); Phys. Stat. Solidi (Berlin), 165B, 211-217 (1991).
· Kinetic Size Effects in Metals in a Magnetic Field» V.G.Peschansky, Sov.Sci.Rev. A Physica (Harwood Acad. Publ. UK) 16, 1-112 (1992).
· Nonlocal Acoustoelectronic Effects in Metals and Layered Conductors» V.M.Gokhfel'd, V.G.Peschansky// Sov.Sci.Rev. A Physica (Harwood Acad. Publ. UK) 17, 1-125 (1993).
· Magnetoacoustic Resonance in Layered Conductors// O.V.Kirichenko, V.G.Peschansky// Phys. (France) 1,4, 823-825 (1994).
· Acoustoelectronic Transparency of Organic Conductors» O.V.Kirichenko, V.G.Peschansky, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.(JETP Lett.) 64, issue 12, 845-848 (1996).
· Kinetic Phenomena in Layered Conductors placed in a Magnetic Field/ V.G.Peschansky// Physics Reports 288, issue 1-6, pp. 305-324 (1997).
· Electron Phenomena in Layered Conductors/ O.V.Kirichenko, Ju.A.Kolesnichenko, V.G.Peschansky// Physics Reviews (Harwood Acad. Publ. UK) 18, Part 4, 1-99 (1998).
· Galvanovagnetic phenomena in Layered Organic Conductors», M.V.Kartsovnik and V.G.Peschansky, J.Low Temp. Phys.,117, p.1717-1721 (1999); Phys. Rev.B60, No 15, p.11207-11208 (1999); Low Temp.Phys., v.31, No 3-4, pp.185-202 (2005).
· Nonlinear Electromagnetic Waves in Fermi-Liquid Systems with Strong Magnetism of Conduction Electrons/ V.G.Peschansky, D.I.Stepanenko// The Physics of Metals and Metallography, vol.92, Suppl. Issue 1, 119-122 (2001).
· Galvanomagnetic Phenomena in Metals today and 40 years ago», M.I.Kaganov and V.G.Peschansky, Phys.Reports v.372, No 6, pp.445-489 (December 2002).
· Spin Waves in Layered Conductors// V.G.Peschansky and D.I.Stepanenko// JETP Lett., v.78, No 5, pp.772-776 (2003).
· Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the electron Fermi-liquid of Q2D conductor under strong spatial dispersion// O.V.Kirichenko, V.G.Peschansky, D.I.Stepanenko// Phys. Rev. B, vol.71, 045304 (2005).
· 22. Diamagnetic domains and nonlinear electromagnetic waves in normal metals (Review Article) / V.S. Egorov, V.G. Peschansky, and D.I. Stepanenko// Low Temperature Physics, 37 25 (2011)
· Diamagnetism of Layered Organic Conductors/ O.V. Kirichenko, V.G. Peschansky// ФНТ, 37 60 (2011).