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Krive Ilya Valentinovich


Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Theoretical Physics Department Named by Academician I.M.Lifshits

Phone: +38(057)707-5430; Room: 5-46
Address:V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
 Faculty of Physics, Svoboda sqr.,4,
Kharkiv, 61022,Ukraine.

   Was born on July, 8, 1948 in Moscow (Russia). Died in 2021. Graduated from the Physics and Technology Department of Kharkov State University in 1972.
   He worked at Kharkov State University since 1972 as an junior reseacher, since 1977 as a senior researcher, in 1988-1991 as a leading researcher.
   Since 1992 worked in B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ILTPE) in the department of theoretical physics on position of leading researcher.
   In 1977 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "On Phase transitions in a field models with spontaneous symmetry breaking". In 1988 defended his doctoral thesis "The Theory of condensates in the relativistic models under extreme external conditionsHe was director and co-executor in charge of many international projects.
   Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2006).
Total number of publications – more than 200, including eight review papers, participated in more than 50 domestic and international conferences.
   In 2006-2021 was a professor of the department of theoretical physics V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University concurrently.

Research interests: mesoscopic physics
Graduate course:  physics of dispered systems.
Advanced courses: quantum field theory, mesoscopic physics.

Main publications:

  1. I.V.Krive, A.D.Linde, On the vacuum stability in sigma model, Nuclear Physics B, v.117, p.265 (1976).
  2.  L.É.Gendenshteĭn, I.V.Krive, Supersymmetry in quantum mechanics, Physics-Uspekhi, v.28, p.645 (1985).
  3.  I.V.Krive, A.S.Rozhavskiĭ, Fractional charge in quantum field theory and solid-state physics, Soviet Physics Uspekhi, v.30, p.370 (1987).
  4.  I.V.Krive, O.B.Zaslavsky, Macroscopic quantum tunnelling in antiferromagnets, J.Phys.: Cond.Matt., v.2, p.9457 (1990).
  5.  E.N.Bogachek, I.V.Krive, I.O.Kulik, A.S.Rozhavsky, Instanton Aharonov-Bohm effect and macroscopic quantum coherence in charge-density-wave systems, Phys.Rev.B v.42, p.7614 (1990).
  6.  I.V.Krive, S.A.Naftulin, Dynamical symmetry breaking and phase transitions in a three-dimensional Gross-Neveu model in a strong magnetic field, Phys.Rev.D, v.46, p.2737 (1992).
  7.  I.V.Krive, A.M.Kadigrobov, R.I.Shekhter, M.Jonson, Influence of the Rashba effect on the Josephson current through a superconductor/Luttinger liquid/superconductor tunnel junction, Phys.Rev.B, v.71, p.214516 (2005).
  8.  I.V.Krive, R.I.Shekhter, M.Jonson, Carbon “peapods”— a new tunable nanoscale graphitic structure, Low Temperature Physics, v.32, p.887 (2006).
  9.  I.V.Krive, L.Y.Gorelik, R.I.Shekhter, M.Jonson, Chiral symmetry breaking and the Josephson current in a ballistic superconductor–quantum wire–superconductor junction, Low Temperature Physics, v.30, p.398.
  10.  P.Utko, R.Ferone, I.V.Krive, R.I.Shekhter, M.Jonson, M.Monthioux, L.Noé, Nanoelectromechanical coupling in fullerene peapods probed by resonant electrical transport experiments, Nature Communications, v.1, p.37 (2010).
  11.  A.V.Parafilo, I.V.Krive, R.I.Shekhter, Y.W.Park, M.Jonson, Polaronic effects and thermally enhanced weak superconductivity, Phys.Rev.B, v.89, p.115138 (2014).
  12.  S.I.Kulinich, L.Y.Gorelik, A.N.Kalinenko, I.V.Krive, R.I.Shekhter, Y.W.Park, M.Jonson, Single-electron shuttle based on electron spin, Phys.Rev.Lett. v.112, p.117206 (2014).
  13.  O.A.Ilinskaya, S.I.Kulinich, I.V.Krive, R.I.Shekhter, Y.W.Park, M.Jonson, Shuttling of spin polarized electrons in molecular transistors, Synthetic Metals, v.216, p.83 (2016).
  14.  O.A.Ilinskaya, S.I.Kulinich, I.V.Krive, R.I.Shekhter, H.C.Park, M.Jonson, Mechanically induced thermal breakdown in magnetic shuttle structures, New Journal of Physics, v.20, p.063036 (2018).


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