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Kotvytskiy Albert Tadeushevich


Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Theoretical Physics Department named by academician I.M. Lifshits

Phone: +38(057)707-5430; Room: 5-46
Address:V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
 Faculty of Physics, Svoboda sqr.,4,
Kharkiv, 61022,Ukraine.

Scholar Google Profile  Research Gate Profile

Scopus AuthorID

    Albert Kotvytskiy was born September 28, 1971 in Mariupol, Donetsk region.
    In 1996 he graduated from the Physics Department of Kharkov National University. During 1996-1999, he studied at the postgraduate at the Department of Theoretical Physics, Physics Department of Kharkov State University.
   In 2000 he defended his PhD thesis "The influence of gravity on the symmetry breaking in gauge field theories".
   Since 2002 associate professor of physics in the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport (UkrSART). Since 2001 he is associate professor of theoretical physics concurrently.
   He has supervised more than 10 Bachelor’s and Master's theses. Supervisor for one PhD student.
A.T.Kotvitsky has more than 50 scientific and educational works.

His research interests include quantum field theory, the theory of gravitation, cosmology.
Advanced courses (BS): tensor analysis and geometry, theory of gravity.

Main publications:
1. А.Т.Котвицкий, Д.В.Крючков, f(R) – гравитация и некоторые приложения // Humboldt-Kolleg for Research Fellows and Awardees “Humboldt Cosmos: Sciences and Society”. – Ukraine, Kiev.- 2009, November 19-22, P. 21.
2. А.Т.Котвицкий, Д.В. Крючков, Анализ обобщения теории гравитации высших степеней кривизны // The Journal of Kharkiv National University, ser. Physics. 2009. - № 12/865/. P. 63-68.
3. А.Т.Котвицкий, Д.В.Крючков, RN – гравитация и динамическое нарушение симметрии // ИВТН -2009. Москва.
4. A.T.Kotvytskiy, D.V.Kryuchkov, PROBLEM OF COSMOLOGY: DARK ENERGY OR MODIFIED GRAVITY // Humboldt-Kolleg “Philosophy of Science”. – Ukraine, Odessa.- 2010, September 8-11, P. 61-62.
5. А.Т.Котвицкий, Д.В.Крючков, Основные концепции современной теоретической космологии // Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна, серія „Фізика”, 2010. - № 13/914/. С. 29-35.
6. A.V.Tararoyev, A.T.Kotvitzky, I.P. Biletsky // Methodologic Strategies in the Modern Cosmology and their Foundations. //Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов Серия: Философия – 2011, №3, стр. 75-85
7. A.T.Kotvytskiy, D.V.Kruchkov // Dynamical Symmetry Breaking In RN Quantum Gravity // Acta Politechica, Journal of Advanced Engineering – 2011, Vol. 51 N 4/2011, p. 54-58.
8. А.Т. Котвицкий, Д.В. Крючков, N – ТОЧЕЧНЫЕ МУЛЬТИПЛОСКОСТНЫЕ ГРАВИТАЦИОННЫЕ ЛИНЗЫ // Вісник ХНУ, № 1113, серія «Фізика», вип. 20, 2014. с.63 -73 А.Т. Kotvitskiy, D.V. Kryuchkov N-point multiplane gravitational lenses.
9. E. Yu. Bannikova, A. T. Kotvytskiy, THREE EINSTEIN RINGS: EXPLICIT SOLUTION AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 445 (2014), pp. 4435-4442
10. А.Т. Котвицкий, ГРАВИТАЦИОННОЕ ЛИНЗИРОВАНИЕ ПРЯМЫМИ КОСМИЧЕСКИМИ СТРУНАМИ // ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ФИЗИКА (ТМФ) Том 184 (2015), № 1, стр. 160 – 174; A. T. Kotvytskiy, GRAVITATIONAL LENSING BY STRAIGHT COSMIC STRINGS // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 184(1): 1033–1046 (2015)
11. Kotvytskiy A.T., Bronza S.D. QUASI-ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR IMAGES CONSTRUCTION FROM N – POINT GRAVITATIONAL LENSES, Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 29 (2016) P.31-33. (DOI:
12. A.T. Kotvytskiy, S.D. Bronza, S.R. Vovk Estimating the number of solutions equation of N-point gravitational lens algebraic geometry methods, Вісник ХНУ, серія «Фізика», вип. 24, 2016. С55-59. (arXiv:1809.05392) Bulletin of Kharkiv Karazin National University “Physics”, V.24. (2016) P.55-59
13. A. Kotvytskiy, S. Bronza, V. Shablenko, K. Nerushenko THE MATHEMATICAL CONTENT OF EINSTEIN RING AND CONDITIONS OF ITS ORIGIN. THE STUDY OF GENERAL CONDITIONS TERMS OF, «АСТРОНОМІЯ І СЬОГОДЕННЯ» VІ Збірник наукових праць, Вінниця 2017,12 квітня 2017 року p. 198-213.
14. Bronza S.D., Kotvytskiy A.T. Mathematical bases of the theory of N-point gravitational lenses. Part 1. Elements of algebraic geometry, Вісник ХНУ, № 1120, серія «Фізика», вип. 26, 2017, с. 6-32. Bulletin of Kharkiv Karazin National University “Physics”, V.26. (2017) P.6-32
15. A.T. Kotvytskiy, S.D. Bronza, V.Yu. Shablenko Correlation Of The Number Of Images Of An N-Point Gravitational Lens And The Number Of Solutions Of Its System Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 30 (2017) P. 35 – 37. DOI: 10.18524/1810-4215.2017.30.114229
16. Albert T. Kotvytskiy, Semen D. Bronza, Volodymyr Yu. Shablenko The Analysis Of Images In N-Point Gravitational Lens By Methods Of Algebraic Geometry // Acta Polytechnica 57(6): P.404–411, 2017. doi:10.14311/AP.2017.57.0404
17. A.T.Kotvytskiy, V.Yu. Shablenko, E.S. Bronza FIXED POINTS OF MAPPING OF N-POINT GRAVITATIONAL LENSES Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 31 (2018) P. 24 – 28. DOI: 18.18524/1810-4215.2018.31.144558
18. S.D. Bronza, A.T. Kotvytskiy. The Analytical research of images in the gravitational lens. Вісник ХНУ, серія «Фізика», вип. 29, 2018, с. 39-48.19. Kotvytskiy A., Parimucha Š. Elimination method for construction of images for N -point gravitational lenses for a circular source Astrophysics and Space Science, 2023, 368(11), 100.
19. Pristaš V., Shridhara M.G., Kotvytskiy A., Antoni L., Semanišin G. Classification of power factor in electric systems by decision trees and neural networks DISA 2023 - World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 195–198.
20. Shridhara M.G., Pristaš V., Kotvytskiy A., Antoni, L., Semanišin G. A short review on hate speech detection: Challenges towards datasets and techniques. DISA 2023 - World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 204–209.
21. Kotvytskiy A., Parimucha Š. Images in axially symmetric gravitational lenses from elliptical sources: the elimination method. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2024, 369(11), 115.



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