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Fil Dmitriy Vyacheslavovich


Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Theoretical Physics Department Named by Academician I.M.Lifshits

Phone: +38(057)707-5430; Room: 5-46
Address:V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
 Faculty of Physics, Svoboda sqr.,4,
Kharkiv, 61022,Ukraine.

    Born in 1963 in Oboyan’ of Kursk Region. In 1986 he graduated from the Physical-Technical Faculty of Kharkov State University named after M. Gorky, specialty "theoretical nuclear physics."
   Since 1986 he has been working at the Institute of Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine, since 2002 - at the position of leading researcher. In 1988 he defended his PhD thesis on solid state physics "The excitation of spin waves in ferromagnetic semiconductors by strong electromagnetic fields."
    In 1990-1991 he had been an intern at the Dortmund Technical University for academic exchange program of Germany. In 1994 he received the title of senior researcher in the specialty "Solid State Physics". From 1999 to 2002 - a doctoral student of the Institute of Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine. In 2002 he defended a Doctor of Science thesis in theoretical physics "Collective phenomena involving phonons in low-dimensional strongly correlated systems".
    In 2004-2008 he worked part-time associate professor, professor of the Physical Department of Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and professor of the department of technical cryogenic physics National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute".
   Since September 2015 he is working as part-time professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics named after academician I.M. Lifshits of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin. Research interests: the electromagnetic properties of two-dimensional crystals and semiconductor heterostructures, superconductivity and superfluidity in low dimensional systems. He was the supervisor of two PhD student. He is the author of more than 80 scientific articles

Research interests: the electromagnetic properties of two-dimensional crystals and semiconductor heterostructures, superconductivity and superfluidity in low dimensional systems.
Graduate course (MS): Physical kinetics.
Advanced courses: The theory of low-dimensional systems.

Main publications:

  1. Lattice-mediated interaction of Cu2+ Jahn-Teller ions in insulating cuprates / D. V. Fil, O. I. Tokar, A. L. Shelankov, W. Weber // Phys. Rev. B.— 1992.— V.45, No 10.—P. 5633-5640.
  2. Nondissipative drag of superflow in a two-component Bose gas / D. V. Fil, S. I. Shevchenko // Phys. Rev. A.—2005.—V. 72, No 1.—P. 013616 (1-9).
  3. Relaxation of superflow in a network: Application to the dislocation model of supersolidity of helium crystals / D. V. Fil, S. I. Shevchenko // Phys. Rev. B.—2009.—V. 80, No 10.—P. 100501 (1-4).
  4. Josephson vortex motion as a source for dissipation of superflow of e–h pairs in bilayers / D. V. Fil, S. I. Shevchenko // Jour. of Phys.: Condens. Matt.—2009.—V. 21, No 21.—P. 215701 (1-9).
  5. K.V.Germash, D. V. Fil, Diamagnetism and suppression of screening as hallmarks of electron-hole pairing in a double layer graphene system, Phys. Rev. B 91, 115442 (2015)
  6. Д.В.Филь, С.И.Шевченко, Сверхтекучесть разреженного газа электрон-дырочных пар в двухслойной системе, ФНТ 42, 1013-1026 (2016)
  7. K.V.Germash, D. V. Fil, Electromagnetic properties of a double-layer graphene system with electron-hole pairing, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205436 (2016)
  8. Germash K.V., Fil D.V. Electromagnetic properties of a double-layer graphene system with electron-hole pairing, Phys. Rev. B 96, 205436 (2016)
  9. Fil D.V., Shevchenko S.I. Superfluidity of a dilute gas of electron-hole pairs in a bilayer system, Low Temperature Physics, V.42, 794 (2016)
  10. K.V.Germash, D. V. Fil, Strong enhancement of third-harmonic generation in a double layer graphene system caused by electron-hole pairing,  2017 EPL 118 67008
  11. Germash K.V., Fil D.V. Strong enhancement of third-harmonic generation in a double layer graphene system caused by electron-hole pairing, EPL,V. 118, 67008 (2017)
  12. Д.В.Филь, С.И.Шевченко,  Электрон-дырочная сверхпроводимость (Обзор), Фізика низьких температур, 2018, т. 44, № 9, c. 1111–1160
  13. L.Yu.Kravchenko, D. V. Fil, Defect complexes in Ti-doped sapphire: A first principles study,  Journal of Applied Physics 123, No 2, 023104 (2018)
  14. Fil D.V., Shevchenko S.I. Anderson-Bogoliubov and Carlson-Goldman modes in counterflow superconductors: Case study of a double monolayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 99, 125412 (2019)
  15. Kravchenko, L. Yu., Fil D.V. Vortex generation in a superfluid gas of dipolar chains in crossed electric and magnetic fields, Low Temperature Physics, V.46, 420 (2020)
  16. Control of charge state of dopants in insulating crystals: Case study of Ti-doped sapphire,Physical Review Research, 2,023135 (2020)
  17. Control of charge state of dopants in insulating crystals: Case study of Ti-doped sapphire,Physical Review Research, 2,023135 (2020)
  18. Fil, D.V., Shevchenko, S.I. Stationary waves in a superfluid gas of electron-hole pairs in bilayers, Physical Review B, 103, 205419 (2021)
  19. Fil, V.D., Fil, D.V., Zvyagina, G.A., Bludov, A., Nazarova, E. Piezomagnetism of superconducting iron chalcogenides, Physical Review B, 104, A12 (2021)
  20. Fil, V.D., Fil, D.V., Zvyagina, G.A., Zhekov K.R., Bilych I.V., Chareev D.A., Kolodyazhnaya M.P., Bludov, A., Nazarova, E. Piezomagnetism of superconducting iron chalcogenides, Physical Review B, 104, A12 (2021)
  21. Fil D.V., Shevchenko S.I. Supersolid induced by dislocations with superfluid cores, Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, V. 48, 487 (2022)
  22. Bilych I.V., Zhekov K.R., Haidamak T.N., Zvyagina G.A., Fil D.V., Fil V.D.Study of magnetoelastic interaction in MnF2 by the acoustoelectric transformation method, Low temperature Physicsr, V. 48, 537 (2022)
  23. Fil V.D., Fil D.V., Zvyagina G.A., Bilych I.V., Zhekov K.R. Piezomagnetism in a mixed state in FeSe-based superconductors, Low Temperature Physics, V. 49, 614 ( 2023)
  24. Fil V.D., Fil D.V., Zvyagina G.A., Bilych I.V., Zhekov K.R. Villari effect in FeSe1-xSx, Low Temperature Physics, V. 49, 1043 ( 2023)


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