Main publications:
- Lattice-mediated interaction of Cu2+ Jahn-Teller ions in insulating cuprates / D. V. Fil, O. I. Tokar, A. L. Shelankov, W. Weber // Phys. Rev. B.— 1992.— V.45, No 10.—P. 5633-5640.
- Nondissipative drag of superflow in a two-component Bose gas / D. V. Fil, S. I. Shevchenko // Phys. Rev. A.—2005.—V. 72, No 1.—P. 013616 (1-9).
- Relaxation of superflow in a network: Application to the dislocation model of supersolidity of helium crystals / D. V. Fil, S. I. Shevchenko // Phys. Rev. B.—2009.—V. 80, No 10.—P. 100501 (1-4).
- Josephson vortex motion as a source for dissipation of superflow of e–h pairs in bilayers / D. V. Fil, S. I. Shevchenko // Jour. of Phys.: Condens. Matt.—2009.—V. 21, No 21.—P. 215701 (1-9).
- K.V.Germash, D. V. Fil, Diamagnetism and suppression of screening as hallmarks of electron-hole pairing in a double layer graphene system, Phys. Rev. B 91, 115442 (2015)
- Д.В.Филь, С.И.Шевченко, Сверхтекучесть разреженного газа электрон-дырочных пар в двухслойной системе, ФНТ 42, 1013-1026 (2016)
- K.V.Germash, D. V. Fil, Electromagnetic properties of a double-layer graphene system with electron-hole pairing, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205436 (2016)
- Germash K.V., Fil D.V. Electromagnetic properties of a double-layer graphene system with electron-hole pairing, Phys. Rev. B 96, 205436 (2016)
- Fil D.V., Shevchenko S.I. Superfluidity of a dilute gas of electron-hole pairs in a bilayer system, Low Temperature Physics, V.42, 794 (2016)
- K.V.Germash, D. V. Fil, Strong enhancement of third-harmonic generation in a double layer graphene system caused by electron-hole pairing, 2017 EPL 118 67008
- Germash K.V., Fil D.V. Strong enhancement of third-harmonic generation in a double layer graphene system caused by electron-hole pairing, EPL,V. 118, 67008 (2017)
- Д.В.Филь, С.И.Шевченко, Электрон-дырочная сверхпроводимость (Обзор), Фізика низьких температур, 2018, т. 44, № 9, c. 1111–1160
- L.Yu.Kravchenko, D. V. Fil, Defect complexes in Ti-doped sapphire: A first principles study, Journal of Applied Physics 123, No 2, 023104 (2018)
- Fil D.V., Shevchenko S.I. Anderson-Bogoliubov and Carlson-Goldman modes in counterflow superconductors: Case study of a double monolayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 99, 125412 (2019)
- Kravchenko, L. Yu., Fil D.V. Vortex generation in a superfluid gas of dipolar chains in crossed electric and magnetic fields, Low Temperature Physics, V.46, 420 (2020)
- Control of charge state of dopants in insulating crystals: Case study of Ti-doped sapphire,Physical Review Research, 2,023135 (2020)
- Control of charge state of dopants in insulating crystals: Case study of Ti-doped sapphire,Physical Review Research, 2,023135 (2020)
- Fil, D.V., Shevchenko, S.I. Stationary waves in a superfluid gas of electron-hole pairs in bilayers, Physical Review B, 103, 205419 (2021)
- Fil, V.D., Fil, D.V., Zvyagina, G.A., Bludov, A., Nazarova, E. Piezomagnetism of superconducting iron chalcogenides, Physical Review B, 104, A12 (2021)
- Fil, V.D., Fil, D.V., Zvyagina, G.A., Zhekov K.R., Bilych I.V., Chareev D.A., Kolodyazhnaya M.P., Bludov, A., Nazarova, E. Piezomagnetism of superconducting iron chalcogenides, Physical Review B, 104, A12 (2021)
- Fil D.V., Shevchenko S.I. Supersolid induced by dislocations with superfluid cores, Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, V. 48, 487 (2022)
- Bilych I.V., Zhekov K.R., Haidamak T.N., Zvyagina G.A., Fil D.V., Fil V.D.Study of magnetoelastic interaction in MnF2 by the acoustoelectric transformation method, Low temperature Physicsr, V. 48, 537 (2022)
- Fil V.D., Fil D.V., Zvyagina G.A., Bilych I.V., Zhekov K.R. Piezomagnetism in a mixed state in FeSe-based superconductors, Low Temperature Physics, V. 49, 614 ( 2023)
- Fil V.D., Fil D.V., Zvyagina G.A., Bilych I.V., Zhekov K.R. Villari effect in FeSe1-xSx, Low Temperature Physics, V. 49, 1043 ( 2023)